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Let'sPlay! to the rhythm of our hearts.



Let'sPlay! began in 2018. Created by Niom Samson.


to empower people to think for themselves, come up with their own ideas and take charge of their own lives.




Long term objectives:

1- For us to take charge of our own lifes by discerning which aspects we need to change and which aspects we need to breed more of. whether it be about ourselves, our relationships, family, education or government. we can and must constantly improve.

2- For curiosity to take over, so that learning is not just something kids do in classrooms but rather a part of our daily life experience.

3- I assume those participants who choose to join would come sharing some of the same objectives. However I would also expect participants to add their own flavor and therefore bring intentions of their own. One of my strongest objectives is to help participants fulfill these.

Phase One Overview.

One of the core objectives behind this initiative is tackling 'Learned Helplessness'. The notion that "things are the way they are" and "There is nothing we can do about it". Without changing this mentality, we will not realize the crucial roles we each play in society.

Read more

Phase Two Overview.

1- Participants take games into their own hands. Experimenting by changing the rules.

2- Developing an understanding on what truly works for us by reflecting and evaluating the new rules.

Phase Three Overview.

1- Creation! Participants will design, evaluate and iterate games.

2- Participants will now create games with a purpose.

3- Playground for reclaiming our lives from norms and structures that do not serve us.



This Three-stage program exploring and diving into creative games has yet to take place. Be the first to contact us before prices rise!

Who is eligible?

Anyone with an open mind and an interest for physicality. Ideally above the age of Twelve.

How many can the program support?

12-18 participants for a good quality program.

9-21 for an informal version. 


CaptureThe Flag

This game requires players to be attentive and aware while being quick and nimble. It breaks the preconceived notion that games are essentially a Two way race for power. This game brings an element of chaos that forces temporary alliances, and balances power by adding a third team to the mix! It also questions partisanship as players must switch teams.



This game requires players to guide and trust. Some players get to experience visual impairment while others must play the role of a guardian. To succeed players must communicate and comprehend at a high level with very little time to digest the chaos.


The crown's quadrants.



This game is all about understanding the power struggle in a two sided competition. The key to understanding this are powerful players called the deniers who abdicate their power as they wish. But there is still hope to change the dynamic.


This version of Dodgeball or Tag continues the process of looking at a game's framework and observing how it defines the characteristics of the game. This game is One that is based on the "everybody wins" However it is not exactly co-operative in nature. The name comes from the fact that the relationships between players as well as their role and the power that players possess changes rapidly.


These versions of Dodgeball or Tag introduce the concept of looking at a game's framework and observing how it defines the characteristics of the game. This game is One that is based on time, and the winner is decided by a point system. Another version sees teams to victory by getting the opposing players out. The name comes from the fact that the relationships between players and the course of events are pre-decided.

More games coming soon!

(It takes a while to animate them).


Swaraj University.

Swaraj University is a Two-year leadership program for youth. It comprises of:

- Self-Designed Learning,

- Community Living,

- Perspective Building,

- Sustainability,

- Social Justice and

- Healthy Living.



Aarohi is a community of self directed learners - Children who decide what they want to learn, how they want to learn, when they want to learn and who use self assessment.

They do not follow any philosophy, They follow the child.


The Atelier.


The Atelier is a learning environment where children and adults partner to construct meaning and explore the possible.




Let'sPlay! is in need of:



-Core team members who are genuinely interested in games.

-External support to help in ideation and prototyping.

-Communities or individuals with a common vision.


-New games that are fun and simple.

-Tools to help participants to ideate and to bring out their creativity.

-Knowledge on how to make shoes out of waste.


-Colored headbands (12+)

-A field to play

-Long sticks (3)



Data coming soon.

             +91 9075972974





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